Truth and Method, the language as human experience in the consciousness of the history and the poetic art: Hans Georg Gadamer


  • Andrés Eugenio Cáceres Milnes Universidad de Playa Ancha



Gadamer, truth and method, language, poetry, effectual history


Gadamer’s hermeneutics is exhibited as another way of thinking about the being in the experience of understanding arts. Hence, the statement «the one who can be understood is language». The work deals with this utterance as an essential attitude of the contemporary era, beyond faith and reason. There, effectual historical consciousness is merged and the game dialogue/translation/interpretation moves around as a model of a human aesthetics of language. In this thinking with Gadamer, the luminosity of truth in the poetry is found as a primitive language of mankind.


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How to Cite

Cáceres Milnes, A. E. (2018). Truth and Method, the language as human experience in the consciousness of the history and the poetic art: Hans Georg Gadamer. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 74(282), 963–977.



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