War, State and Peace. A continuation of Clausewitz´ thinking


  • Anders Boserup




State, war, social theory, Clausewitz


The article, which parts from the thoughts of Carl von Clausewitz, works out and defends the hypothesis that the struggle for recognition among states, and the superiority of the defense, demands to understand the state as a sui generis subject. Therefore it should be taken as a starting point for social and cultural theory. The introduction describes the field of debate and determines the characteristics of scientific work. The first chapter deals with the implications of Clausewitz´concept of war. The second chapter delves into the concept of pause aiming to be able to work out the theoretic bases of defense and attack in the third chapter. The last chapter points out the general characteristics of the state-concept as a subject in permanent struggle for recognition. The article was published in German in 1990 and is now presented for the first time in Spanish.


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How to Cite

Boserup, A. (2017). War, State and Peace. A continuation of Clausewitz´ thinking. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 72(272 Extra), 655–673. https://doi.org/10.14422/pen.v72.i272.y2016.010



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