Lebenswelt, Philosophy of Law and Cosmopolitan Citizenship in Faktizität und Geltung by Habermas


  • Iván Raimundo Canales Valenzuela Universidad Autónoma de Chile




discourse theory, social integration, philosophy of law, intercultural, facticidad, validity


The goal of this article is to expose the results of our review of the J. Habermas' text Faktizität und Geltung (1992), which main purpose was to visualize whether a citizenship of cosmopolitan character is able to be conceived from the beginning of the speech systematically, and whether the categorical restriction that Hebermans performs on his concept of communicative action of being valid only for post-conventional socio-evolutionarily worlds-of-life (Lebenswelt) is superpassed in its understanding of the discursively based rights and laws as a social integration mean.


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How to Cite

Canales Valenzuela, I. R. (2017). Lebenswelt, Philosophy of Law and Cosmopolitan Citizenship in Faktizität und Geltung by Habermas. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 72(272 Extra), 715–734. https://doi.org/10.14422/pen.v72.i272.y2016.013



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