The Cartesian mastery of Nature: Descartes and the disenchantment of the world


  • Sergio García Rodríguez Universitat de les Illes Balears



Descartes, disenchantment of the world, magic, new science, occult qualities, wonder


This paper analyzes the strategies performed by Descartes in order to «disenchant the world» for removing the hermetic elements from the Cartesian scientific explanations and subjecting all the natural phenomena to our control. To do this, I appeal to the distinction between causal elements —occult qualities— and their effects —admirable virtues— as the two dimensions that must be incorporated under the scientific explanations to ensure the calculation of phenomena and their mastery.


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Author Biography

Sergio García Rodríguez, Universitat de les Illes Balears

Departamento de Filosofía


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How to Cite

García Rodríguez, S. (2022). The Cartesian mastery of Nature: Descartes and the disenchantment of the world. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 78(298 S. Esp), 801–819.