Neuroeducation in dialogue: neuromyths in theaching-learning process and in moral education


  • Daniel Pallarés-Domínguez Universitat Jaume I



neuroeducation, interdisciplinary, neuromyths, learning-teaching process, moral education.


This paper presents a brief critical review of some of the current issues that are being studied in the intersection of neuroscience, education and ethics. The first objective is to reflect on the relation between the basic assumptions that define the current conceptualization of education. Keeping an interdisciplinary dialogue, the second objective is to analyse some of the neuromyths in the teachinglearning process. The third objective is to find certain neuromyths in moral education, especially from what some of the most important authors in neuroethics have established about the moral behavior according to studies of the human brain. Through and argumentative methodology, we will propose an orientative dialogue and interdisciplinar direction in the development of this new social neuroscience, always maintaining an ethical commitment to the full development of human beings in the pursuit of universal justice demands proposed.


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How to Cite

Pallarés-Domínguez, D. (2017). Neuroeducation in dialogue: neuromyths in theaching-learning process and in moral education. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 72(273 Extra), 941–958.