Spatial revolution and «uprooting». A criticism of its psychosomatic implications on virtual Capitalism


  • Borja García Ferrer Universidad de Granada



uneasiness, virtual capitalism, new information and communication technologies (NICT), spatial revolution, «uprooting», «being-in-the-impossibility», experience of space, «oriented space (own)», «tempered space (present)».


Irreversibly enshrined by the omnipresent telematic communication technologies, the virtual metamorphosis of Capitalism and its untameable proliferation demand a hermeneutical key beyond an economy-focused level, since the ontological turn that they foster finds its fateful echo in the existential misery that all of us experience, every day, with no exception. Our aim is to prepare, from the point of view of the uneasiness-culture relationship, a pathological profile of «uprooting», which, according to our hypothesis, is one of the syndromes with a higher epidemic scope in our time of distress. First, we are going to examine the aetiology of «uprooting» in the new horizon formed, by means of the contemporary blending of technology and power, by the virtual overcoming of space, reduced to the category of «cyberspace», «virtual reality» o «web space» without ontological consistency, spectral and accelerated to paroxysm. Then, we are going to identify and describe the nature of the pathology concerned, seen as «being-in-theimpossibility », in light of the inquiries of the Existential Analysis School on the heideggerian criticism of «being-in-front-of-the-world». Finally, we are going to analyze the morbid expressions of «uprooting» in the actual praxis of action and understanding, recovering the therapeuticdimension of Philosophy in order to show, on the basis of the concept of «corporeality» developed by Merleau-Ponty and debated with the psychopathological tradition, the pathological transformation of the experience of space which constitutes its ill-fated corollary.


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How to Cite

García Ferrer, B. (2017). Spatial revolution and «uprooting». A criticism of its psychosomatic implications on virtual Capitalism. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 72(274), 1175–1196.



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