Structural similarities between the tradition of moral philosophy and Durkheim’s social theory


  • Ana Marta González Universidad de Navarra



coercion, division of work, obligations, solidarity, social bond.


The first sociological theories are indebted to Enlightenment philosophy of history, which first appeared to provide a framework of meaning for moral action once moral theory had renounced the metaphysical commitments of early modern moral philosophy. While defending the autonomy of sociology from philosophy, Durkheim prescribed a specific task for sociological thought, namely: develop a moral science which, by keeping together the two features with which moral facts appear before conscience —solidarity and coercion— could account for the moral sense of the division of labour, a phenomenon previously considered almost a natural process. The purpose of this article is to show how Durkheim’s approach makes room for us to establish a structural similarity between sociological analysis and the perspective of mutual obligations characteristic of the moral philosophical tradition.


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How to Cite

González, A. M. (2017). Structural similarities between the tradition of moral philosophy and Durkheim’s social theory. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 72(274), 1197–1215.



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