Decolonial turn on heritage? Liberation Heritage Route as a postcolonial alternative of patrimonial activation


  • Ester Massó Guijarro Universidad de Granada



heritage, decolonial turn, Liberation Heritage Route, South Africa, reconciliation.


Considering the decolonial turn as a key epistemological axis for troubling heritage, the Liberation Heritage Route in South Africa is brought up as a discursive example, as a unique type of patrimonial activation where heritage (collective memory) is linked to the struggle of a people for their rights, beyond etÚic or national folklore. It will try to show how the Liberation Heritage Route —as a case study— implies a living and notorious example of the very conceptual challenge of this work: it is a subaltern heritage (or shows a pathway for heritage's subalternization) and most especially, it is a patent form of holistic heritage activation, where the tangible and the intangible, the physical and symbolic, monumental and spiritual, come together in a unique and indivisible product at the service of justice and dignity.


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How to Cite

Massó Guijarro, E. (2017). Decolonial turn on heritage? Liberation Heritage Route as a postcolonial alternative of patrimonial activation. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 72(274), 1277–1295.



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