Duns scotus on the nature and logical unity of the categories


  • Héctor Hernando Salinas Pontificia Universidad Javeriana



Duns Scotus, Aristotle, categories, medieval logic, medieval metaphysics


This work studies the first scotist conception of the categories and of the objet of the Aristotelian treatise the Categories. This article focuses on the three first questions of Scotus’s commentary to Aristotle’s text. One of the most important innovations of the commentary is its treatment of the concept of «category» itself, understood as a logical concept and as proper subjet of the Aristotelian treatise. This approach allows Scotus to distinguish the logical and the metaphysical order in the treatment of categories. In the logical order, this science deals with the concept of category and, the metaphysical order deals with the categorical diversity and its reference to the category of substance.


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How to Cite

Salinas, H. H. (2017). Duns scotus on the nature and logical unity of the categories. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 73(275), 129–145.



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