On Ethics and Affections in the Assumption of Greed of the Rational Behavior





homo oeconomicus, axiomatic economics, self-interest, economic rationality, decision making


Egoism is one of the fundamental aspects of the traditional theory of economics. Proposed and developed during the marginalist revolution, and converted into an axiom by the Neoclassical School, economic agents are naturally inclined to maximise their self-interest, which confers robustness and consistency to the theory by reducing all economic agents’ behavioural reality. The present study objective is to attempt to demonstrate the ethical implications for an axiomatised theory with aspirations of consistency and completeness, like that developed and defended by the traditional economic theory.


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Author Biography

Patrici Calvo, Jaume I University

Profesor de ética del Departamento de Filosofía y sociología


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How to Cite

Calvo, P. (2024). On Ethics and Affections in the Assumption of Greed of the Rational Behavior. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 79(304), 1055–1078. https://doi.org/10.14422/pen.v798.i304.y2023.026