The quality of novel of the projective being: A Zambrano’s replica to the Ethics (of the existential Metaphysics) of Ortega


  • Enrique Ferrari Universidad Internacional de la Rioja. Fundación Escritura(s)



poetic reason, vital reason, novel, realism, The Spain of Galdós


Ortega presents his metaphysics as a set of images around the novel as a metaphor for life. But he confuses the subject and object in the references in his explanation of life as action: In his aesthetics, he didn’t study enough the fictional characters (as autonomous within the fiction, not from the novelist). Instead, Zambrano has a theory about the fictional character, so she can think better about the analogy, she can see more aspects. For example: an ethical proposal on the status of projective of person (neutral, without a moral valuation in Ortega): For Zambrano it is a reprehensible attitude, the sacrifice of life to a reducing preconceived scheme. What she calls «novelty» in his Reading of Galdós’ Nina.


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How to Cite

Ferrari, E. (2017). The quality of novel of the projective being: A Zambrano’s replica to the Ethics (of the existential Metaphysics) of Ortega. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 73(277), 981–994.



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