Some key elements of political theory in the thought of John Duns Scotus


  • Enrique Santiago Mayocchi Universidad Católica Argentina



Duns Scotus, political theory, society, private property


The unstable relationship between the Roman papacy and the French monarchy since the late thirteenth century, continuing the first decades of the fourteenth century, has been a favorable occasion for the development of political theories and the deepening of the study of the relationships between temporal and spiritual power. This research has as main objectives to determine the position of Duns Scotus on some key elements of political theory, such as the origin of society and authority, as well as the role played by private property around these issues. We are interested in framing political ideas in connection with the great doctrines of his philosophy and the historical debate that he himself lived, in order to inquire about his position in this. From this analysis it will emerge that private property is not absolute, the authority of civil authority is granted by the community, since sociability precedes politicality and its inclination contrary to theocratic ideas in favor of the separation of spiritual powers and temporary.


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Author Biography

Enrique Santiago Mayocchi, Universidad Católica Argentina

Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas


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How to Cite

Mayocchi, E. S. (2023). Some key elements of political theory in the thought of John Duns Scotus. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 78(301), 1803–1818.



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