Relations between Hume’s philosophy and Natural Law Ethics


  • Fernando Arancibia C. Universidad Bernardo OHiggins Facultad de Ciencias Sociales Departamento de Ciencias del Derecho



Hume’s law, experience, common life, basic goods, subjectivism


The philosophy of D. Hume has been commonly related to positivism and moral subjectivism. Though his explicit influence is undeniable in these schools of thought, it does not prevent the effective existence of relations of harmony between theories traditionally opposed to the humean philosophy. In this work I will present the convergences between the philosophy of Hume and the natural law ethics, particularly the developed by the New Natural Law Theory. I will argue the link from the following points: (a) the relevance of the common life, (b) the experience and (c) the role of philosophy in the human behavior.


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How to Cite

Arancibia C., F. (2018). Relations between Hume’s philosophy and Natural Law Ethics. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 74(280), 327–347.