The tool and the thing. From Daseins’ world to the world as fourhold (Geviert)


  • Adrián Bertorello Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicos y Técnicas (CONICET) Universidad Nacional de San Martín



tool, thing, world, fourhold


This paper compares the world´s phenomenology in Sein und Zeit with the meditation on the fourhold in the conference Das Ding. The goal of this comparison is to show how the argumentation focuses in 1927 in the Worumwillen and how moves in 1949 to the notion of schenken. This displacement, that takes out the tool of the Worumwillen´s context and places it in another that doesn´t guide by «an anthropological figure», can be characterized as a privative modus of praxis, i. e. alost of pragmatically function. The jug´s Give (schenken) express the idea that the tool doesn´t requires another purpose than its own give himself.


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How to Cite

Bertorello, A. (2018). The tool and the thing. From Daseins’ world to the world as fourhold (Geviert). Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 74(281), 623–637.


