Restlessness as «Lebensgefühl» of factical Life. The Trace of Augustine in the Young Heidegger




young Heidegger, Augustine, restlessness, Lebensgefühl, facticity, affectivity


This article analyzes the significance of restlessness (cor inquietum) as sense of life (Lebensgefühl) in the phenomenological interpretation of Augustine’s Confessions X, held by Martin Heidegger during his Summer Semester 1921 lecture course at the University of Freiburg. To that effect, I shall pay special attention to the curare’s (Bekümmerung) intentional matrix and to the implicit tension of its double mobility (defluxus and continentia) as a precedent of care (Sorge). Furthermore, I will focus on the role that temptation plays as a radical, historical experience of self-questioning (quaestio mihi factus sum). In addition, this is to be considered on the background of the relevance that Augustine represents both in the Heideggerian project of Cartesian cogito’s inversion and in his hermeneutical transformation of phenomenology.


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How to Cite

Garcés Ferrer, R. (2018). Restlessness as «Lebensgefühl» of factical Life. The Trace of Augustine in the Young Heidegger. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 74(281), 639–659.



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