Remains of humanist thinking or Dasein as collector in Being and time


  • Juan Pablo Garavito Zuluaga Pontificia Universidad Javeriana



collections, everydayness, space, utopia, vita activa


The confrontation between Heidegger and the humanistic tradition is well known: it is the form of all metaphysics as subjectivity. We propose in this essay that there is another way to understand his relationship with this humanist tradition from a spatial standpoint. We postulate a connection between the conception of everyday space and of «readiness-to-hand» (Zuhandenheit) in Being and Time, and the conception of collection in the early humanists. From here it is possible to show that early humanism was not just a forerunner of Cartesian subjectivity, and that it represents, as postulated by Gadamer or Grassi, an underground current that emanates from a different metaphysical source, than the one that has dominated western thought. Heidegger appropriates, in an indirect mode, this thought for his project in Being and Time.


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Author Biography

Juan Pablo Garavito Zuluaga, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

Facultad de Filosofía. Bogotá


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How to Cite

Garavito Zuluaga, J. P. (2018). Remains of humanist thinking or Dasein as collector in Being and time. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 74(281), 681–694.



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