The right versus the good? On the right in the Philosophy of Charles Taylor


  • Javier García Caladín Universidad de Valencia


the right, the good, Charles Taylor, ethic.


The aim of this article is to analyze the famous confrontation between the right and the good. We start with the analysis of Charles Taylor about the different significances of the good and his criticism to a procedural and restrictive approach of the moral (such as Habermas and Kymlicka). Secondly, we review in depth the ethics of Taylor and we stress the vague remark of «the just» in the use of Taylor. Finally, we evaluate the deontological deficiencies of the ethics of Taylor and try to find other ways to complement it.


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How to Cite

García Caladín, J. (2013). The right versus the good? On the right in the Philosophy of Charles Taylor. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 68(257), 413–426. Retrieved from