About the Journal

The Hana and Francisco José Ayala Chair of Science, Technology and Religion (CTR Chair), to which Razón y fe belongs, is an academic center dedicated to research, teaching and the dissemination of scientific and technological issues that significantly impact humanity and nature, as well as philosophical and religious questions that allow for scientific analysis. Since its inception in 2003, the CTR Chair proposed to contribute to the dialogue between science and religion in contact with international organizations such as ESSSAT (European Society for the Study of Science and Theology), ISSR (International Society for Science and Religion), the Metanexus Institute of Philadelphia, the CTNS (Center for Theology and Natural Sciences) of Berkeley or the John Templeton Foundation, in order to generate a current of reflection and dialogue open to the entire Ibero-American linguistic area. Over the years, collaboration and relationships with national and international organizations have grown.

The work carried out in a multidisciplinary way, aiming to contribute in a plural and rigorous way to a comprehensive humanism committed to justice. Therefore, the CTR Chair and Razón y fe have as their fundamental objective to foster dialogue between the worldview presented by the sciences and the perspectives emerging from the diverse cultural, moral, and religious traditions of humanity, with a special emphasis on Christianity. This is our way of serving both the people interested in these issues and society as a whole.

The fundamental objective of Razón y fe is to serve—continuing the tradition of quality established since its foundation in 1901—as an academic forum for reflection and discussion on issues at the intersection of scientific and religious knowledge. It aims to provide an environment open to diverse opinions and perspectives, welcoming participation from believers of various religions and confessions, non-believers, and all members of society who seek to promote a rigorous and meaningful dialogue between science and religion.

The articles are open access and available for free sharing after a peer review process, thanks to the support provided by the CTR Chair and the Universidad Pontificia Comillas.

Open Access Policy

Razón y fe provides Diamond Open Access to its content, based on the principle of offering society open access to research contributes to the global exchange of knowledge.


Authors are recommended to publish the post-print articles version (the editor's version) on the internet (for example, in institutional repositories or personal web pages) immediately after their publication to contribute to their wider dissemination, quoting appropriately the original source (including the full URL of the article’s DOI).

Plagiarism Detection Software

Razón y fe uses the iThenticate tool to check that the articles received are original and there is no plagiarism.

Interoperability protocol

Razón y fe offers a metadata harvesting service to other research platforms through the OAI-PMH protocol found in the following URL https://revistas.comillas.edu/index.php/razonyfe/oai
Metadata is provided in the following formats: Dublin Core, MARC, and MARC21.


Razón y fe utilizes the LOCKSS system to store and distribute its content across participating libraries, ensuring long-term preservation and access https://revistas.comillas.edu/index.php/razonyfe/gateway/lockss

Useful Links

Cátedra Hana y Francisco Ayala de Ciencia, Tecnología y Religión
Fronteras CTR. Revista de Ciencia, Tecnología y Religión
MOOC. Cuestiones de Ciencia y Religión
America Magazine
Revue Etudes
La Civiltà Católica
Stimmen der Zeit
Revista Mensaje
Mirada Global
Revista de Fomento Social


Founded by Societaty of Jesus in 1901, Razón y fe is the oldest cultural journal in Spain and one of the oldest in the Spanish-speaking world. It has been published without interruption, even during significant events like the expulsion of the Society of Jesus and the Spanish Civil War. Since its inception, the journal has aimed to bridge the two elements in its title, fostering dialogue between the Christian faith and the diverse expressions of culture. Since 2023, within the context of an increasingly technified society marked by remarkable scientific advancements, the journal has focused exclusively on fostering dialogue between the natural, social, and human sciences and philosophical and theological reflection.