Euskadi: political conflict?


  • Imanol Zubero


The author wonders what the Basque conflict consists of. It consists, to a large extent, in the non-recognition of Spain as the legal framework for its political action and, to a considerable extent, in the enormous cultural and political diversity of Basque and Navarre society. Problems that, in the author's opinion, are not resolved with the panacea of the right to self-determination and with the fallacy of deciding in order to be. Perhaps the best solution, in addition to more clarity in the proposals of Basque nationalists, is the mediator, which supposes, above all, a commitment to a "will to coexist and not to hostility."


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How to Cite

Zubero, I. (2018). Euskadi: political conflict?. Razón Y Fe, 265(1359), 33–42. Retrieved from