Bandrés, a fair fight for freedom


  • José María Margenat, SJ ETEA, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Córdoba


The lawyer Juan María Bandrés Molet (1932-2011), jurist and politician, founder of Euskadiko Ezkerra, can and should be considered one of the personalities who have contributed the most to the cause of peace and freedom in the Basque Country and in Spain. In this note-tribute, some of the defining factors of the pacifist Bandrés are unraveled: his humanism, his deep sense of loyalty and freedom, his commitment to peace policies and his deep-rooted Christian sense of life and history.


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Author Biography

José María Margenat, SJ, ETEA, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Córdoba

Profesor de Filosofía Social y de Historia Económica



How to Cite

Margenat, SJ, J. M. (2018). Bandrés, a fair fight for freedom. Razón Y Fe, 265(1359), 85–89. Retrieved from