Catholic Social Teaching and the economy: How to approach “New Things” today?


  • Domingo Sugranyes Bickel


business ethics, Christian social thought, Church history


When it comes to economic issues, the Catholic Magisterium treads on controversial ground. It did so for the first time in 1891 with Rerum novarum after a long preparation in European Catholic circles and gained a notable influence in the creation of institutions. In the face of today’s profound changes, can the Magisterium speak of economy for all? Is it possible that in the Church today a message is formulated that is as effective as that of 129 years ago?


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Author Biography

Domingo Sugranyes Bickel

Expresidente Fundación Centesimus Annus pro Pontifice



How to Cite

Sugranyes Bickel, D. . (2020). Catholic Social Teaching and the economy: How to approach “New Things” today?. Razón Y Fe, 282(1448), 311–321. Retrieved from