The invisible world and the education of the spirit



spiritual education, religious education, John Henry Newman, Pável Florensky, invisible world


The recognition of the spiritual education within British educational legislation consolidated and enriched a deep international discussion, that had already been developing previously. Some of its most relevant contributions coincide in pointing out that it is aimed at educating values of a higher nature, although how is not yet well understood. This article understands that this transcendent dimension can be identified with what Christianity confesses as the “invisible world”, and that has been studied by John Henry Newman and Pável Florensky. So its objective is to study the contributions of these theologians to discern a series of pedagogical orientations that can contribute some nuances to the international discussion.


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How to Cite

Luque, D. . (2021). The invisible world and the education of the spirit. Razón Y Fe, 283(1449), 65–76. Retrieved from