Five years after «Laudato si’». Ecological synodality


  • Ángel Luis Lorenzo Francisco


synodality, Laudato si’, participation, integral ecology


This article is intended as an invitation to read again Pope Francis’ first social Encyclical, Laudato si’, on its fifth anniversary. It shows the journey of these five years, from a necessary synodal point of view. It proposes an attitude of listening and dialogue, starting off from a theology of reality. And walking together to continue building the future, through concrete and active participation. Being witnesses-protagonists of this challenge, in the midst of a world constantly changing, requires an urgent renewal. Yet we united under a double cause: the care of human dignity and the care of our common home.


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Author Biography

Ángel Luis Lorenzo Francisco

Subdirector del Instituto de Ciencias Religiosas “Virgen de Guadalupe” (UPSAL)



How to Cite

Lorenzo Francisco, Ángel L. . (2021). Five years after «Laudato si’». Ecological synodality. Razón Y Fe, 283(1450), 185–196. Retrieved from