Albert Camus: «The Plague»


  • Pedro Frontera Izquierdo Universitat de València


Albert Camus, The Plague, philosophy of the absurd, atheism, Christian humanism, holiness


On the occasion of the great increase in sales of The Plague, a novel by Albert Camus, the impact of the philosophy of the absurd in the second half of the twentieth century is described. In response to an epidemic situation, the thoughts and actions of the novel’s fictional characters raise such topical issues as selfishness, solidarity, sacrifice, the presence or absence of God, earthly humanism, Christian humanism, and even sanctity. The characters of Tarrou, Fr. Paneloux and Doctor Rieux are so current that they make Camus our contemporary.


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Author Biography

Pedro Frontera Izquierdo, Universitat de València

Profesor jubilado de Pediatría



How to Cite

Frontera Izquierdo, P. . (2021). Albert Camus: «The Plague». Razón Y Fe, 284(1452), 23–32. Retrieved from