The question of universals

Background and current situation




universal, metaphysics, real, unreal, digital, interiority


The question of universals begins with the Franciscan Juan Escoto Eriúgena and reaches the end of the 14th century. The culminating moment of universals occurs in the twelfth century, but it will be present in all philosophical proposals since then, because it tries to understand the relationship between abstract knowledge with its correspondences. The problem that is substantiated with universals is to understand if the world is what it is because in the mind we organize it that way or if it is the world itself that gives us the concepts. Each of these concepts have been sufficiently analyzed throughout the history of thought. In the present, far from abandoning the issue, it needs to be rethought, since the opposite path seems to be followed; that is, existing realities are sidelined and pass into the field of the invisible and the unreal assume an almost all-encompassing role.


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How to Cite

Francisco Javier. (2023). The question of universals: Background and current situation. Razón Y Fe, 287(1462), 183–202.