Christian vision of science and technology in Teilhard de Chardin


  • Agustín Udías Vallina, SJ Complutense University of Madrid image/svg+xml



Teilhard de Chardin, science, technology, Christian faith, evolution, God, Christ


Science and technology have today a great influence in human life, providing science the vision of the universe and conditioning technology the progress of life conditions in a globalized world. Teilhard de Chardin acknowledges this role of science and technology and tries to give a Christian vision of them. He proposes that the vision of the world of science is not only compatible to faith, but it should help us to better know God creator. From another point of view, it is in this world known by science that God has become incarnated in Christ, and then scientific research becomes a form of wordship. For Teilhard, the evolutive vision of the world provided by science finds in Christ its final end, so that the cosmogenesis becomes a Christogenesis. Technology must be seen inside this evolutive process of the world as an important element of human evolution. This evolution will lead to the arrival of the ultra-human and finally to the union of the world with the Christ-Omega. Finally, for Teilhard science and technology have in this way a Christological dimension.


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How to Cite

Udías Vallina, A. (2023). Christian vision of science and technology in Teilhard de Chardin. Razón Y Fe, 287(1462), 225–234.