Cordial intelligence




cordial intelligence, heart, compassion, Pascal, Rousseau, A. Cortina, L. Boff


The article addresses the characteristics of cordial intelligence, focusing on the importance of knowledge of the heart and the feeling of compassion from a moral point of view. After an introduction that refers to emotional intelligence and its psychological approach, the philosophical-moral perspective of cordial intelligence and the main meanings of the term “heart” are addressed. The background of the concept in the modernity of Blaise de Blaise Pascal and Jean-Jacques Rousseau is analyzed and the article ends with Adela Cortina’s references to cordial justice and Leonardo Boff’s references to the rights of the heart.


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How to Cite

Villar Ezcurra, A., & Serrano Villar, M. (2024). Cordial intelligence. Razón Y Fe, 287(1463), 383–399.