Interreligious dialogue and Vatican II


  • Jaume Flaquer, SJ


Church, inter-religious dialogue, religious freedom, anathema


Despite of Vatican II meant a full revolution in terms of Interreligious dialogue, the true revolution came when one of the main items of that dialogue was salvation’s effect accomplished in God. This article provides clues to understand the relevance of the Church’s spiritual and theological open mindedness. And to realize the greatness of our Father’s healing love for comes to those who for one reason or another did not get to meet Him. for


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Author Biography

Jaume Flaquer, SJ

Responsable del área teológica de Cristianisme i Justícia.
Profesor de la Facultat de Teologia de Catalunya



How to Cite

Flaquer, SJ, J. (2018). Interreligious dialogue and Vatican II. Razón Y Fe, 266(1367), 167–172. Retrieved from