Romney and the Northamerican primaries. A new position for the centre right


  • José María Marco Universidad Pontificia Comillas


United States, primaries, Romney, centre right, human rights


Some of the singularities of the electoral system of the United States are presented in this essay: the importance and the meaning of the so-called primary elections. In our case, we analyze the triumph of the republican candidate Mitt Romney and we outline his possible program, from the new position of a renewed centre right, in contrast to the one that the actual president Barack Obama will defend on the November elections.


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Author Biography

José María Marco, Universidad Pontificia Comillas

Profesor de Literatura Española e Historia de las Ideas Políticas



How to Cite

Marco, J. M. (2018). Romney and the Northamerican primaries. A new position for the centre right. Razón Y Fe, 266(1366-1365), 53–63. Retrieved from