Freedom of Speech and Hate Speech

A comparative Study of United States and Europe Jurisprudence


  • Javier Grau Álvarez Universidad Pontificia Comillas



freedom of speech, hate speech, hate crime, right to human dignity


The aim of this paper is to offer a comparison of the delimitation of freedom of speech under the concept of hate speech, in two of the most important legal systems in the world, the ones from United States and Europe.

It is interesting to understand how hate speech has been configured in the two systems. At first sight, the development of freedom, and therefore the development of freedom of speech, has been configured in a similar way in both orders, being one of the most protected and safeguarded rights in the First Amendment and in the fundamental rights of the European Constitutions. However, for its delimitation, the path seems to have bifurcated being hate as an aggravation factor for the crime in the United States, while in Europe it is taken as an additional crime.

An analysis of the bases of freedom of expression for each system will be conducted, emphasizing the most relevant sentences that have established jurisprudence and that serve as a starting point. On the other hand, it is necessary to compare how the Supreme Courts of both systems rule on cases that address similar matters, such as both racist and homophobic speech amongst others. To do so, the most relevant sentences on these discourses are compared, to see how the United States protects this type of speech within the freedom of expression, while Europe prioritizes the human dignity right.

Finally, we will analyze how this speech is configured in Spain, to see how the Constitutional Court in certain cases allowed speeches that in the eyes of the ECHR possibly violated human dignity.


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How to Cite

Grau-Álvarez, J. (2021). Freedom of Speech and Hate Speech: A comparative Study of United States and Europe Jurisprudence. Icade. Journal of the Faculty of Law at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, (111), 1–33.


