Fundamentals of Dynamics and Strategic Perspective on Global Manufacturing Virtual Network


  • José Ramón Vilana Arto Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
  • Carlos Rodríguez Moroy Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


Global Manufacturing Virtual Networks, dyadic collaboration, systemic strategy.


Global Manufacturing Virtual Networks (GMVNs) are very dynamic organizations  that establish horizontal and vertical relationships between them, where it isno longer necessary to maintain internally large manufacturing resources but efficiently manage and share the network resources. This paper proposes a solid framework where network actors can develop their strategy by avoiding conflicts within these GMVNs formed by three strategic perspectives: 1) nodal, 2) dyadic and 3) systemic.

Author Biographies

José Ramón Vilana Arto, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales

Carlos Rodríguez Moroy, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales


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How to Cite

Vilana Arto, J. R., & Rodríguez Moroy, C. (2012). Fundamentals of Dynamics and Strategic Perspective on Global Manufacturing Virtual Network. Icade. Journal of the Faculty of Law at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, (81), 191–217. Retrieved from