Negotiation of the Religious Identity among Youth from Mixed Interreligious Immigrant Muslim Families in Spain

Gender Dynamics, Possibilities and Constraints




identity, Islam, gender, youth, mixedness


Spain has experienced in recent decades a significant increase in the mixed unions between natives and immigrants with one of the spouses being Muslim. In this article we present the results of a pioneering and exploratory study on the negotiation of the religious identity of youth descendants of these interreligious couples, in a context of prevalent secularism and islamophobia. Drawing on the analysis of interviews, the results show that these young people negotiate their cultural-religious belonging in a myriad of ways, with positive or negative experiences depending on various factors, mainly gender. In this sense, the study of cultural-religious mixedness can enlighten us in a double sense: on the one hand, to emphasise the socially transformative value of mixed/multiple cultural backgrounds, and, on the other hand, to highlighting the persistence of divisions that limit social inclusion and social cohesion.


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How to Cite

Ortiz, A., Rodríguez-García, D. ., & Solana-Solana, M. . (2021). Negotiation of the Religious Identity among Youth from Mixed Interreligious Immigrant Muslim Families in Spain: Gender Dynamics, Possibilities and Constraints. Migraciones. Publicación Del Instituto Universitario De Estudios Sobre Migraciones, (52), 287–314.


