The De-Responsibility of the State. An Ethnographic Approach to the Externalisation of Asylum from Reception




responsibilty, asylum, reception, welfare, anthropology of the State


From the ethnographic tradition of anthropology and grounded in 41 in-depth interviews and participant observation with front-line workers in the reception system, this text explores the articulation, application, and consequences of asylum outsourcing processes in Spain. The article presents an in-depth analysis of the outsourcing dynamics of the state reception programme for international protection, with the creation of an extended reception system. Exploring the daily work of the people who work in public reception programmes under the ethnographic lens, it becomes evident how the adjustments of the system do not respond to its dysfunctionalities but, on the contrary, contribute to a process of dissipation of responsibility through outsourcing to third sector entities, reinforcing a reception model based on charity instead of rights.


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How to Cite

Rué, A., & Jubany, O. (2023). The De-Responsibility of the State. An Ethnographic Approach to the Externalisation of Asylum from Reception. Migraciones. Publicación Del Instituto Universitario De Estudios Sobre Migraciones, (58), 1–18.


