Transnational Families in Crisis Context. Mobility and (non) Family Arrangements of Venezuelan in Peru
international migrations, crisis, transnational family, Venezuela, PeruAbstract
Since 2016, Latin America has witnessed a massive migratory phenomenon of Venezuelans leaving their homeland to survive the crisis. These migrations, mostly individual, lead to the creation of transnational families characterized by a system of solidarity across the distance between the destination country and Venezuela. This article explores the formation, arrangements, and modes of organization of these families. Based on retrospective interviews with 51 Venezuelan migrants of both sexes settled in Peru, it analyses the various forms of transnational family and the limits in observing this concept. In addition to money transfers and communication between migrants and non-migrants, the research highlights two configurations of this type of family, in relation to the urgency of addressing food security concerns and the aspirations of other family members within this space of regional mobility.
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