Religious Pluralism in Theology Today

Towards an Interreligious Hermeneutic




religious pluralism, Theology of religions, interreligious theological hermeneutics, interreligious dialogue, otherness


In the light of the new views of developing ways of understanding and interpreting religious diversity in Christian theology in the 21st century, this paper aims to analyze some of the fundamental elements of what should constitute an interreligious theological hermeneutics, which sustains and help shape current variants of the theology of religions. The different ways of carrying out this work (theology of the history of religions, theology of interreligious dialogue, comparative theology, interreligious theology), call for a new approach to the issue of religious diversity, characterized above all by dialogue, as a starting point, and not simply as a goal, and by the design of their own hermeneutical principles, that constitute the method and language of an authentic theology of alterity and encounter, which provides an enriched view of the reality of other religions and of the forms of the very foundations of the Christian faith.


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How to Cite

Matito Fernández, José Ramón. “Religious Pluralism in Theology Today: Towards an Interreligious Hermeneutic”. Estudios Eclesiásticos. Revista de investigación e información teológica y canónica 97, no. 381-382 (September 21, 2022): 491–520. Accessed May 19, 2024.