Old and New Challenges for the General Norms of the Code of Canon Law


  • Ulrich Rhode, SJ Pontificia Università Gregoriana




general norms, jurididal act, non Catholic Churches, adscription, Church sui iuris, physical person, Internet, digital signature, power of governance, sinodality, sex, gender


Just like the other books of the Code, the General Norms deserve review to see if it is appropriate to adapt them to changing circumstances. Such circumstances include the progress of civil legal theories (e. g. with respect to the theory of juridical acts and administrative acts), developments in Church doctrine (e. g. with respect to sinodality), technological advances (such as the digital revolution) and fundamental questions that are no longer as easy to answer as they once were (such as the question of the criteria for whether one is considered a man or a woman).


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How to Cite

Rhode, Ulrich. “Old and New Challenges for the General Norms of the Code of Canon Law”. Estudios Eclesiásticos. Revista de investigación e información teológica y canónica 97, no. 383 (December 13, 2022): 1001–1015. Accessed July 3, 2024. https://revistas.comillas.edu/index.php/estudioseclesiasticos/article/view/17682.