The Celebration of the Sacraments in a Digital World




sacraments, celebration, virtual, performative, consecration, absolution


Forty years after the promulgation of the Code, in recent years some questions have arisen related to the celebration of the sacraments that require a response from Canon Law, many of them related to the use of the virtual environment and the digital world. After addressing some general aspects of the virtual celebration of the sacraments, the article focuses primarily on three problems: with reference to the Eucharist, participation in the virtual celebration of the Mass and the possibility or not of the consecration «at a long distance»; and with reference to the sacrament of reconciliation, the possibility or not of administering absolution by telematic means.


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How to Cite

San José Prisco, José. “The Celebration of the Sacraments in a Digital World”. Estudios Eclesiásticos. Revista de investigación e información teológica y canónica 97, no. 383 (December 13, 2022): 1049–1077. Accessed July 3, 2024.