The Sacrificial System of Leviticus and Numbers in Comparison

Repetition, Reformulation or Complement?




sacrifice, numbers, Holiness Code


The book of Numbers contains literary material of a legislative nature which, at first glance, appears as a mere repetition of analogous traditions, contained in other parts of the Torah. A thorough reading of the text may lead to believe that we are, rather, before of reformulations, even if not real complements to the previous legislation. The article intends to reflect on the nature of the sacrificial system of the fourth book of Moses, contained in Numbers 28 and 29, trying to understand its function in relation to the sacrificial system of the book of Leviticus.


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How to Cite

Cocco, Francesco. “The Sacrificial System of Leviticus and Numbers in Comparison: Repetition, Reformulation or Complement?”. Estudios Eclesiásticos. Revista de investigación e información teológica y canónica 98, no. 385 (May 19, 2023): 235–262. Accessed July 27, 2024.