«The Teaching about God which I Received as a Boy from my Blessed Mother and my Grandmother Macrina»

Basil of Caesarea and Women





Basil of Caesarea, Fathers of the Church, women in the Church, women in Antiquity


The article presents in a new way the female figures found in the works of Basil of Caesarea, offering an unprecedented overview of the relations of this Father of the Church with women. It analyzes the figures of his family who most influenced him and tries to explain the silence regarding his sister Macrina. Next, it deals with the women present in his epistolary, highlighting the theological discussions he had with them; finally, it reflects on the presence of women in Basilian monasticism. It is concluded that this great fourth-century Father had a significant relationship with women that is little known and that may, in part, explain the positive vision of femininity that is present in his works despite his late-antique cultural context, from which he does not entirely free himself.


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How to Cite

Villa Betancourt, Ana Cristina. “«The Teaching about God Which I Received As a Boy from My Blessed Mother and My Grandmother Macrina»: Basil of Caesarea and Women”. Estudios Eclesiásticos. Revista de investigación e información teológica y canónica 98, no. 386 (September 20, 2023): 469–504. Accessed July 17, 2024. https://revistas.comillas.edu/index.php/estudioseclesiasticos/article/view/18872.