Theopoetics, An Impossible Epistemology? Considerations for a Fundamental Theology




theopoetics, theological-epistemology, poiesis, poetic-reason, theological aesthetics, literature, fundamental theology


This paper examines the origins and development of theopoetics as a movement in a clear process of consolidation in which, we can find out certain elements that suggest that it is not only an academic trending topic but a theological method itself, with a considerable autonomy. Therefore, throughout this work, we try to clarify its epistemological assumptions and the conditions of possibility that allow establishing the veracity and relevance of the theopoetics approach. In this work we will focus on theopoetics as a method to address the relationships between theology and literature.


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How to Cite

Meléndez, Luis Gustavo. “Theopoetics, An Impossible Epistemology? Considerations for a Fundamental Theology”. Estudios Eclesiásticos. Revista de investigación e información teológica y canónica 99, no. 390 (September 19, 2024): 761–794. Accessed October 19, 2024.