The Biocentric Imaginary: A New Epoch for Moral Theology
moral theology, epochal change, biocentric imaginary, biocentrism, life, holism, interconnectedness, dynamismAbstract
This article addresses some of the most important challenges that contemporary culture presents to moral theology. It begins by investigating what the «epochal change» that Pope Francis calls us to dialogue with entails, discovering that —according to authors from different scientific disciplines— it is a profound change of worldview: it is the birth of a new imaginary, the biocentric one, the third in the history of Western thought. Moral theology must enter it, unfolding its own potentialities and allowing the Gospel to permeate and enrich it. Specifically, it is necessary to face the reformulation with the absolute metaphor «organic life» and following the three guiding principles: holism —the whole is superior to the part—, dynamism —everything evolves— and interconnection —everything is connected. Only in this way can we respond to the signs of the times and theology fulfill its proper mission.
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