A brief travel in the latter end of the Jesuit Gil de la Mata in the mission of Japan (XVI century). The last four unpublised letters from Lisbon and Nagasaki


  • Giuseppe Marino Universidad Autonóma de Madrid


Gil de la Mata, Jesuits, Japan, Catechumenate, Valignano.


This research presents an unknown itinerary in the later years of one of the most crucial jesuits of the mission of Japan in sixteenth century, and probably he who travels more continent during his ecumenical and catechetical activity, Gil de la Mata of Logroño. Following his election as attorney of the mission in the Provincial Congregation, gathered in Nagasaki in 1592, the jurist and theologian returns to Europe determined to resolve some moral issues both in the court of Philip II and the Holy See. In this study we introduce the last four unpublished letters that the Jesuit sent from Lisbon and Nagasaki between 1596-1599. Among the subjects treaty there is the resolution to the king regarding the college of Macao, the requirement of poverty, the distribution of the religious in the ships and other «serious» issues address to the General Father Claudio Acquaviva, and also to the assistant of Portugal, Juan Álvarez.


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How to Cite

Marino, Giuseppe. “A Brief Travel in the Latter End of the Jesuit Gil De La Mata in the Mission of Japan (XVI century). The Last Four Unpublised Letters from Lisbon and Nagasaki”. Estudios Eclesiásticos. Revista de investigación e información teológica y canónica 89, no. 350 (September 23, 2016): 499–531. Accessed July 25, 2024. https://revistas.comillas.edu/index.php/estudioseclesiasticos/article/view/7153.