God as Father in Teresa of Avila


  • Rogelio García Mateo Universidad Gregoriana


Paternity, omnipresence, Trinity, santity, filiation, soul, imitation of Christ.


What ist the image of God in Teresa of Avila? How did she characterize her relationship with God? These are important questions that must be raised should anyone wisches to unlock the door to Teresa’s mystic. For Teresa, God ist Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The development of the relationship between the soul and God in union, in the period between the Vida and the Moradas, is found most of all in her descriptions of the experience of the Trinity in Cuentas de conciencia. The filial experience of Teresa demonstrates not only her femenine tendernes towards God but also her theological sens of prayer and apostolic life.


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How to Cite

García Mateo, Rogelio. “God As Father in Teresa of Avila”. Estudios Eclesiásticos. Revista de investigación e información teológica y canónica 88, no. 344 (November 30, 2016): 119–142. Accessed June 30, 2024. https://revistas.comillas.edu/index.php/estudioseclesiasticos/article/view/7455.