The authority or power of the Magisterium: some considerations and views


  • José Miguel Espinosa Sarmiento Canónigo Archivero S. I. Catedral de Segovia


F. Walter, munus docendi, book III CIC, the legal status of the Magisterium, tria munera.


In this study we are looking at the Magisterium of the Church from the point of view of its authority or power. We owe the notion of the authority or power of the magisterium to Ferdinand Walter (1794-1879). Authors differ in their opinions on the issue: some consider that the Magisterium has its own status; others are of the view that the Magisterium is part of the power of orders or the power of jurisdiction. The Church itself has not made an official statement on the issue. In this study the legal character of the Magisterium is attributed to its object: the Word of God, and that does not involve it in ongoing acts of government. This study affirms that the Magisterium has the power to give an authoritative interpretation of divine Revelation as contained in Sacred Scripture and other texts for the instruction of the faithful and all men of good will, and how that interpretation may apply to new realities in favor of unity and communion in the church. Towards the end of this study, a number of issues are raised which need further study later on.


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How to Cite

Espinosa Sarmiento, José Miguel. “The Authority or Power of the Magisterium: Some Considerations and Views”. Estudios Eclesiásticos. Revista de investigación e información teológica y canónica 91, no. 359 (February 28, 2017): 827–841. Accessed July 2, 2024.