The Tradition in the Church after Tertullian



tradition, doctrine, truth, faith, Scripture, apostolicity, Church, churches, heretics


Tertullian, a former convert in controversy with the Gnostic heretics, is a man who is passionate about truth. For him, the truth is in the origin, and the truth of the origin is transmitted by the tradition. As a Christian, he is interested in the tradition of the Church; In it he discovers different sections: God, Christ, Apostles, Church. Apostolicity (of origin and doctrine) is the specific note of its ecclesiology. Tradition carries, as a flow, a doctrine, some truths, which are summarized in the so-called rule of faith. Integrated in this doctrine (and subjected to it) is the Scripture; The heretics use it abundantly in the controversy, but after having manipulated the text and interpret it at its discretion; Therefore, the best tactic against them is to exclude them from their use by proving that Scripture does not belong to them.


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Author Biography

Salvador Vicastillo, Editorial Ciudad Nueva

Doctor en Filosofía por la Universidad Complutense, pasó después a la Universidad Gregoriana de Roma para especializarse en Patrología, bajo la dirección del P. Orbe. Actualmente trabaja para la colección «Fuentes patrísticas», de la editorial Ciudad Nueva.



How to Cite

Vicastillo, Salvador. “The Tradition in the Church After Tertullian”. Estudios Eclesiásticos. Revista de investigación e información teológica y canónica 92, no. 362 (October 4, 2017): 387–412. Accessed July 17, 2024.