Recent Changes of the CIC: New Contents Introduced by the M. P. Omnium in Mentem


  • Teodoro Bahíllo
  • Rufino Callejo
  • Carmen Peña


sacred ministers, priesthood, deaconhood, defection from the catholic church, ius connubii, religious freedom, canonical form, impediment of disparity of cults, mixed marriages


The Motu Proprio Omnium in mentem, announced in December 2009, has come to modify 5 canons of CIC 1983. This work presents the intervention of its authors in a Roundtable organized by the Faculty of Canon Law (P. U. Comillas) in March 2010. Hereby this work analyzes legal novelties introduced by the legislator, underscoring their object and pondering, from a critical perspective, the advantages and disadvantages of this reform. The collaboration of Professor T. Bahillo, on Ministry of Priesthood and Deaconhood in the M.P. Omnium in mentem studies the changes affecting the sacrament of Order (c. 1008 & 1009) in order to adapt the legal text to the magisterium of Vatican II, underlining the author the flexible understanding of the ministry of Deacons. Professor C. Peña, on her reflection on The reform on marriage introduced by M. P. Omnium in mentem, an advancement or a step behind?, presents the important changes the M. P. has introduced on CIC’s contents on marriage (cc.1086, 1117 & 1125), pointing out some of the dangers concerning these changes, particularly the ius connubii of those who have defected from the Catholic Church by a formal act. Finally, Professor R. Callejo, on his work on Advantages and some questions concerning marriage reforms introduced by the M. P., explains the reasons for this change and includes a critical note on the guarantees of c.1125.


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How to Cite

Bahíllo, Teodoro, Rufino Callejo, and Carmen Peña. “Recent Changes of the CIC: New Contents Introduced by the M. P. Omnium in Mentem”. Estudios Eclesiásticos. Revista de investigación e información teológica y canónica 85, no. 335 (December 21, 2017): 845–846. Accessed December 22, 2024.



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