Mysticism in twentieth Century Theology: Karl Rahner and Hans Urs von Balthasar
mystery, incomprehensibility, unrepeatable singularity, spiritualityAbstract
This article studies the meaning of the mysticism in the theology of Karl Rahner and Hans Urs von Balthasar, thus indirectly helping theological discernment around the mystical phenomenon, so fashionable in contemporary society. Mystery is the reference of the mystic for both of them. For Rahner it is born of the immediate and personal encounter with the incomprehensible mystery of God and must be lived in a world where secularity and pluralism have become the humus vital. For Balthasar the mystic is the Christian life in total obedience to the mystery of God in the form of following Christ, thus participating in his obedience to the Father for the sake of those whom the Son, as the Firstborn of all men, is not ashamed of calling brothers.
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