Get up! Be opened! Mark’s idiolect in the light of Sociolinguistics
gospel of Mark, sociolinguistics, codeswitching, Aramaic, koineAbstract
This article approaches the idiolect of the Gospel of Mark from a sociolinguistic perspective, as a means to better understand the author and the discursive community to which he writes and therefore comprehend the social action that unfolds in the narrative. The concepts and definitions proposed by sociolinguistics that affect the understanding of the different varieties of language will be presented. Later, these tools will be applied to the Gospel of Mark to analyze significant aspects of its idiolect, especially those related to his use of multilingualism. From this analysis some conclusions are drawn that illuminate its idiolect from another angle, as well as the social actions that could be carried out by its author through the linguistic strategies that can be recognized from the study of its idiolect.
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