The Poor as a Theological Place. Difficulties with the conceptualization


  • Jorge Costadoat Centro Teológico Manuel Larraín. Facultad de Teología. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


poor, hermeneutical place, revelation, Theology of liberation


This article deals with the application of Latin American theology of liberation of the term theological place to the poor. In a first moment the position of Ignacio Ellacuría and of Clodovis Boff will be distinguished; the first sees in the poor a manifestation of God, but the second does not. In this case, we notice a theological difference. But, in addition, in Ellacuría hints a terminological difficulty. This is studied in the case of Juan Carlos Scannone, who uses the term theological place as a synonym of hermeneutic place; and the case of Jon Sobrino who, in his dispute with the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, expresses himself somewhat like Scannone, but on another occasion openly maintains that God speaks («reveals himself ») through the poor.


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How to Cite

Costadoat, Jorge. “The Poor As a Theological Place. Difficulties With the Conceptualization”. Estudios Eclesiásticos. Revista de investigación e información teológica y canónica 93, no. 364 (January 26, 2018): 231–241. Accessed December 22, 2024.