Irenaeus of Lyons: The Idea of «Reparation» within the framework of «Recapitulation»
Irenaeus, Reparation, Recapitulation, Reintegration, ReconciliationAbstract
In this article are explored the terms that would constitute the semantic field of the idea of «reparation» in the work of Irenaeus of Lyons Adversus Haereses. Once defined the concepts and meaning with which they are used, we will try to show how the concept of «reparation» can only be fully understood when placed within the horizon of recapitulative dynamism that marks the theological understanding of salvation history of the Bishop of Lyon. In this context, the idea of reparation is liberated from being understood as a mere return to the original situation; instead, it is understood as participating in the Irenean process of the recapitulation of all things in Christ, in whom all of creation is guided towards its fullness.
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